Sunday 28 April 2013

Recovering From Google Penalties

Every Penguin and Panda algorithmic update creates a shift in the SEO universe. Google Penalties can really hit your company where it hurts, but it doesn't mean that your site is doomed forever. Here are a few recovery tips after getting hit from Google penalties to restore your previous page ranking below:

Minimize The Volume of Bad Links

Most websites are penalized by Google's Penguin update due to poor linking strategy. Simply put, it's a good practice to individually check purchased inbound and outbound links for their status and quality that manually link to your site to avoid a Google penalty. Be practical when delivering content by minimizing the volume of bad links.

Avoid Poor Quality and Duplicate Content

Sites that have duplicate, poor content are also frequently penalised. To avoid this, write fresh and unique content for your website that contains the perfect density of keywords that target the main points of your site. Most importantly, keep your readers in mind whenever you deliver information on your site. You also have the option to use contextual link building services that effectively fuse your thoughts in the form of relevant, high quality articles.

Create A Brand New Domain

Establishing a brand new domain is a simple way to rid yourself of a penalty, because it literally gives you a fresh start on the Web. Introduce your new user friendly domain with fresh,attractive images and a new theme with content that will keep your readers coming back for more.

Become Familiar With Google's Updates

Finallyy, keep abreast with Google’s 500 yearly updates. If you stay on top of Google’s algorithm, your site will never be penalised.

Take Your Site To The Next Level

Try to resolve penalty issues as soon as possible after algorithm updates and procure the services of a firm that produces relevant contextual links to help you expand your online businesses. Services that provide customised link building campaigns is a very effective strategy to increase online traffic and are built to be compatible with an SEO/PR strategy.

This is no small accomplishment and takes major skill. Customised link building services include the submission of articles, link swapping, frequent updates of social media, press releases blogs, guest posts and sponsored articles. The outcome of customised link building is increased traffic and credibility as well as a solidified reputation on the Web. Link building services are a popular SEO/web marketing choice to manage your site in a seamless manner. You can even hire an outside link building executive to complement your inbound team. Full-time link builders can be obtained for under £700 monthly who can 'remotely' work with you online.

With so many resources available to online sites to reap their full potential, getting hit with Google penalties does not have to keep you from reaching a top page ranking again. You now have the ability to focus on other vital aspects of your business.

Google Plus Vs Face Book:The Battle for the Future of the Web

Who’s bigger?

Facebook is the single most powerful social network platform on the web, while Google dominates the search engines. Both companies play a vital role in modeling how people interact on the web, and although these two separate platforms never crossed paths much in the past, all that changed when word came that Google was cooking up a Facebook killer. Mark Zuckerberg had for a long time been sitting at the top of what appeared to be unbeatable social media domination through smart control of information and the sharing of it and the seamless integration of Link Building Services.


However, Larry Page wasn’t having it. As the evolution of information access and web sharing continues to wear down the formerly supreme world of search engines, Page faced what Bill Gates once faced back in the early 2000s when Google dictated a tectonic shift in the way people operated technology and the internet and a number of newer startups started controlling large market shares.

Enter Google+

As Google’s grip on the tech world starts to loosen, the only major effort the company has put forth in answering the obvious gap they have on social media is Google Plus. This isn’t the company’s first attempt at social media, but it’s the first real threat they’ve posed on web giant Facebook, which has managed to create new avenues for advertising and the flow of information.

Back in the day, people searched the internet for their favorite pair of shoes or a decent restaurant in their area, but nowadays, social media determines what is and isn’t hip. By logging into Yelp, a user easily finds out what their friends think about a certain restaurant or pair of shoes, and the ultimate decision to spend money on a product will be influenced by social trends.

Battle for advertising

This is the war Google seems to be losing because both companies rely on heavy advertising, so if there’s a shift in the way people go about choosing products, then that changes the way in which companies advertise their products. Right now, many businesses hire link building services that can get their face or name on these two social platforms, and they are right to do so because most people spend their days toggling back and forth between their Facebook and Google accounts. For right now, Google isn’t really aiming to kick Facebook off the top, but instead chooses to remain a formidable number two.

Facebook has its roots in nearly all sectors of web interaction, but social network is quite delicate and Google CEO Larry Page understands that, which is why he’d rather focus on chipping away at Facebook users slowly and systematically. A gradual pull may have a more powerful effect in the long run as users discover more of their friends are already using Google+.

Both companies are busy trying to blend well with an ever changing modern web culture characterized by portable devices with ever increasing functionality. Several fields are of importance to both companies:

Search options

Social activity

User privacy


Contextual Link Building


By crafting features to cater to each one of these factors, both companies can stay ahead of the times and possibly continue stealing each other’s customers. Both Zuckerberg and Page understand the importance of upholding user privacy, but they desperately need detailed information about each user so they can use the information for advertising. For now, they have to play nice because the slightest customer dissatisfaction about privacy could cost them billions in lost revenue.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

New Penguin Update Ready to Go For Google

When people talk about "the Penguin Update" from Google, they're not talking about the book publisher or the adorable, flightless bird. It's a code for the latest algorithm update that the search engine is putting in place to help level the playing field when it comes to different websites all getting a deserved and more equal piece of the traffic pie.

What's Its Purpose?

For a long time search engine optimization, or SEO, has been the primary way for a website to draw traffic and page views. SEO is the use of keywords and proper keyword density, along with the choice of subject and even using contextual link building and other
link building services to build up a website's Internet presence. In the past any webpage that did all of these things, and which manipulated the numbers accordingly, would jump to the first page of search results, if not to the number one spot. The Penguin Update's purpose is to try and give less weight to who's using what keywords, and to try and reward good content above all other concerns.

Why The Change?

Google feels that there are a lot of webpages that are more concerned with numerically meeting the alogorithm. The result is that, while these websites get picked up and ranked highly by the search engine, they simply aren't as fun, interesting or deserving of attention as many other websites with better content but who may lack
contextual link building or other services that a site needs in order to reach the top by these standards. So, in order to give a better chance to pages that don't have the time, budget or inclination to get involved in the numbers game when tweaking their content, Google created the Penguin Update.

How Does it Work?

Google is not throwing search engine optimization out the window completely; as a method of page selection it does work. However, the standards for how over-optimized a page or piece of content can be are changing. What would have been a very high ranking page due to keyword choice and density, as well as the sheer number of backlinks, before the Penguin Update will likely now be considered spam. The result is that pages which are trying to hard will end up having to cut back on the rigid amount of optimization they've undergone.

While details are still coming out, the update will send a lot of websites and webpage owners scrambling to try and comply with the new standard. This isn't exactly a new state of affairs for those who make their living off of Google, or at least who earn their keep based on Google search results. Every time Google changes the rules, webmasters have to try and create new content that ascribes to the new doctrine and to bring older parts of their websites in line with the new way of thinking. Otherwise the hit taken in page views becomes permanent, assuming that the websites aren't ignored completely because they're now considered spam. It looks pretty dark, but that's mostly because it isn't taking into consideration just how often this sort of thing actually happens in the world of search engine optimization.

Monday 11 March 2013

Optimizing your Face book page for better SEO

Face book has become an important avenue for businesses and companies to connect with new and existing clientele. A simple outline however may not be every effective when it comes to promoting the page and improving its web rankings significantly. For this reason, it will be important to learn how to optimize your Face book page for SEO.

Understanding SEO

SEO is a technique that is used by web marketers in order to help promote traffic to a particular web page. A combination of techniques such as quality link building and the use of back links are heavily relied on. Once put in place, the links help drive organic traffic to the targeted page helping the clients achieve the results they desire.


Link building services

Website owners have to hire link building services from professional marketing companies. Information on how to optimize your Face book page for SEO can be furnished by professional internet marketers who have been in the field for a long time. Once they have made contact, the marketer will follow a certain procedure when coming up with the website content. Normally, he will start by reaching out to other companies that are in the same industry as the client. This is done so as to inquire on whether he can post articles on these particular websites on behalf of his clients. If given the go ahead, a team of professional in house writers will start working on the content to be used. Content is generated manually through the use of research on issues pertaining to that particular industry.

As soon as the article has been completed, it is sent back to the website owner. This is for him to review the content and request for any additional changes to be made. Where the client is okay with the material used, the article is then posted online. Once posted, another team is mandated to submit the article in to a number of social bookmarking sites. These are sites that are very important to any website owner who plans to promote his social networking pages for better traffic. When properly utilized, this can help generate constant traffic given that there is a huge number of people who use social networking sites on a daily basis for different reasons.

Quality link building is only successful once a client has hired a good and professional link builder. A link builder works closely with his clients in order to make sure that all the client needs are well taken care of. Communication is done via the popular means such as Email and Skype with the aim of ensuring that changes are completed within an acceptable time frame. Once hired, the link builder becomes an employee of the client implying that the client gets to come up duties and assign them to him for execution.

Quality link building packages are available in different sizes. Clients have to consider the number of contextual links that they will require within a month. Contextual links, number of articles created and the number of social bookmarks created within any given month are what influence the amount of money that the client has to pay for link building services. As a website owner, it will be important to learn of the various steps and processes that go in to learning how to optimize your Face book page for SEO.

Link Building Agency and Its Credibility to the SEO Market

To be able to comprehend the importance of the agencies that are involved in link building, it is first imperative that one understands what it is that they do. Simply explained, a link is a word, phrase or picture on a site that if you click on, will redirect you to the relevant site that the link represents. Link building therefore consequently means placing these links in various sites so that visitors to those sites can have a way of easily getting directed to your relevant site. It is also commonly referred to as off-page SEO as the SEO is not directly done on your site but on other sites or web pages. This has become an integral part of SEO as it drives huge amounts of traffic to one’s website. Since it is not a task that can be easily done in a short timespan by one person, agencies came up that do this for you at a fee so that you don’t have to. Since you make up part of the market that these agencies directly cater to, your specific choices and other criteria will decide just how relevant such agencies are to you.

Link Building Agency And Its Credibility To The SEO Market
Quality of the Off-page SEO

There are many ways that a link can be placed all over the web in a way that it leads traffic to your website. For example, it is possible to simply post your link with a comment in the comments section of the blog and it will send massive amounts of traffic your way. There are many methods that can be used and just as with everything else that has many options to offer, some methods will be more effective than others.

What needs to be highlighted here is that one of the things that will determine a link building agency and its credibility to the SEO Market is the methods that they use for all this off-page SEO. If the agency you have chosen is not using the best white hat methods that there are out there then you should not expect great long-lived results. They may work for a short time only to end up getting your site de-indexed by the popular search engines. You want an agency that uses highly effective methods that will last for ages. For example, an agency that takes the time to create high
quality link building content for you with your link and then places it in a high traffic web site will be more credible than one that sends out hundreds of spam mails with your link in one day.

SEO: Link Building
Does the Glove Fit?

In the very same way that not all gloves can fit everybody, not all the off-page SEO agencies are suitable for any business. When choosing the agency, it is important to pick the ones that can meet the needs of your website and goals. For example, if you want all your links associated only with original viral videos, you cannot approach an agency that has high quality articles as their main tactic. Despite such an agency being good with their high quality content to attach links to, they are not credible for the marketing campaign that your business has in mind.

The above are just a few of the major factors that you can use to gauge the credibility of the agency you choose but they will set you on the right path should you assess them wisely.